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Welcome to Eneter.Messaging.Framework.

Eneter Messaging Framework is a lightweight framework for the interprocess communication. It is easy to use and it works across multiple platforms. The framework provides communication components you can use to create various communication scenarios.

This topic contains the following sections:

Supported Platforms

The framework is provided for multiple platforms. You can use it for the communication between applications from the same platform as well as for the communication between applications running on different platforms.

The following platforms are supported:

  • .NET 3.5, 4.0, 4.5

  • Xamarin for Android and iOS

  • Xamarin for iOS

  • Java 6

  • Java for Android 2.3.3 (or later)

  • HTML5 Javascript


The framework for .NET supports following protocols and transportation mechanisms:

Message Serialization

Communicated messages are encoded by a serializer. To serialize/deserialize messages the framework supports:

  • XmlStringSerializer - serialization to XML (works for the communication between .NET and Java).

  • DataContractXmlStringSerializer - serialization to XML using DataContract and DataMember attributes.

  • DataContractJsonStringSerializer - serialization to JSON using DataContract and DataMember attributes.

  • BinarySerializer - for fast serialization using the binary format (does not work for the communication between .NET and Java).

  • AesSerializer - for encrypting using Advanced Encryption Standard (works for the communication between .NET and Java).

  • RijndaelSerializer - for encrypting using Rijndael algorithm.

  • GZipSerializer - for compressing big messages before sending across the network (works for the communication between .NET and Java).

  • RsaSerializer - for encrypting messages by RSA algorithm using public and private keys (works for the communication between .NET and Java).

  • RsaDigitalSignatureSerializer - for using digital signature to verify who sent the message and that the message was not changed (works for the communication between .NET and Java).

Sending-Receiving Messages

To implement the communication between applications the framework provides functionality to send and receive messages as well as the communication using RPC (Remote Procudure Calls):

Routing Messages

It provides components to control routing of messages between applications:


The communication across the network is typically less reliable as a local call inside a process. The network connection can be interrupted or a receiving application can be temporarily unavailable. If your communication scenario requires to overcome these issues, the framework provides:


The communication across the network is easy to observe and confidential data can be acquired by unauthorized persons. Therefore, you may want to protect your communication:

Eneter Messaging Framework for .NET based platforms
