Class: EneterProtocolFormatter


new EneterProtocolFormatter()

Default Eneter encoding/decoding. It is the default Eneter protocol formatter which can be used in all types of communication.

Encoding of open connection message:
6 bytes - header: ENETER
1 byte - endianess: 10 little endian, 20 big endian
1 byte - string encoding: 10 UTF8, 20 UTF16
1 byte - message type: 10 for open connection
4 bytes - length: 32 bit integer indicating the size (in bytes) of the following string
x bytes - responseReceiverId: client id string

Encoding of close connection message:
The close connection message is not used. The connection is considered closed when the socket is closed.

Encoding of data message:
6 bytes - header: ENETER
1 byte - endianess: 10 little endian, 20 big endian
1 byte - string encoding: 10 UTF8, 20 UTF16
1 byte - message type: 40 for data message
4 bytes - length: 32 bit integer indicating the size (in bytes) of the following string
x bytes - responseReceiverId: client id string
1 byte - message data type: 10 bytes, 20 string
4 bytes - length: 32 bit integer indicating the size (in bytes) of the following data.
y bytes - message data: message data



Decodes incoming message.
Name Type Description
arrayBufferMessage ArrayBuffer | String encoded message.


Encodes open connection message.
Name Type Description
responseReceiverId String id of the client opening the connection.

encodeRequestMessage(responseReceiverId, messageData)

Encodes the request message.
Name Type Description
responseReceiverId String id of the client which sends the message.
messageData String | ArrayBuffer message which shall be sent.